100 Years Ago
(From the Feb. 20, 1925 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
Sunday, February 22 at 8 p.m. in the Lodge Room at the Y.M.Y.W.H.A., the Kansas City Chapter of the Order of the Aleph Zadik Aleph for Young Men will hold its installation of officers and open meeting. A special invitation to attend is issued to young men between the ages of 16-21 who are desirous of joining the Order.
The principal speaker of the evening will be Sam Beber of Omaha, Neb., who is prominent in B’nai B’rith work there. Mr. Beber is an able speaker and his address promises to be quite interesting as well as instructive.
The meeting will open with singing of “America” and Hatikvah” by the audience. The invocation will be pronounced by Rabbi Herman M. Cohen of the Kenseth Israel-Beth Shalom Synagogue. Sidney Magazine, past Aleph Godol, will then install present Aleph Godol, Lewis Sutin, who in turn will install the remaining officers, consisting of: Philip Copland, S’gan; Arthur Goldman; Aleph Mazkir; Harry Kaufman, Aleph Gizbor; Zolley Lerner, Aleph Shotair; Meyer Gottlieb; Aleph Junior Shotair; Sidney Magazine; Aleph Cohen Godol; Harry Brenner, Aleph Sopher. Following the invocation, Nathan Mnookin, advisor of the chapter and founder of the Order, will deliver an address of welcome. The address by Mr. Beber will close the meeting. Various members of the program will be interspersed by piano solos by Miss Dora Krigel, active in musical circles in Kansas City.
The Order of Aleph Zadik Aleph was founded about two years ago in Omaha, Nebraska by Nathan Mnookin. A short time afterward, Mr. Mnookin moved to Kansas City and he founded a chapter here. Since then, the Order has spread rapidly and now 12 cities have chapters. In almost every case, the members of the various chapters are young men who are active in their respective communities.
In April of this year, Mr. Beber will attend the convention of B’nai B’rith to be held in Newark, New Jersey. There he will attempt to secure the sponsorship of the B’nai B’rith for the Aleph Zadik Aleph.
80 Years Ago
(From the Feb. 16, 1945 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
Kaleen Brenner, who represented AZA No. 2, won first place in the Caisson Honey Hop song contest last Sunday night…. Leonard Tiber and five other members will assist at the B’nai B’rith Booster Stag to be held February 20. …. Fred Cohen was voted into the chapter.
30 Years Ago
(From the Feb. 17, 1995 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
Kansas City BBYO Council has been busy preparing its second BBYO thrift store. The members have worked hard by collecting many clothing items, marking all of the clothes at reasonable prices and are now ready for the public to come to purchase them. Clothes have been collected in all sizes, shapes and colors.
The thrift store will be held from 12:30 to 4 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 19, in the Singles Lounge at the Jewish Community Center. All proceeds will go to Kansas City Council. The money raised here will help the Kansas City Council officers provide more materials, scholarship money and programs for the local BBYO chapters.
The Kansas City BBYO Council is designed to help train the local chapter officers to better manage and run the local chapters. The council officers are also responsible for council programs are geared to involve all 290 participants in BBYO.