90 Years Ago
(From the Feb. 1, 1935 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
Fostering cultural activity and rivalry among units in the Center Council of Clubs, KC., Mo. Chapter. AZA No. 2 will co-sponsor with the Council inter-club cultural competition this spring, it was determined at a Council meeting Tuesday night. Manuel Spack, Council chairman, has appointed a committee to work with the AZA chapter. The contest will be held in oratory, declamation, essay and poem. All members of Council clubs are eligible. The finals in oratory and declamation will be the main attraction at a big rally this spring. This project will do much further cultural and intellectual activities among Council member organizations. The AZA committee includes: Hanan Wedlan, Jack Sokolov, Frank Schlozman and Alvin Goldberg.
75 Years Ago
(From the Jan. 27, 1950 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
AZA No. 2 met recently and winners of the 1949 regional convention basketball tournament elected the following officers for 1950: Sam Weiner; Aleph Godol; Seymour Weiner, Aleph S’gan; Norman Weiner, Aleph Mazkir; Marcus Levitch, Aleph Gizbor; Mitchell Kranitz, Aleph Shotate Goodol; Mason Kessler, Aleph Shotate Kotone; Lyle Gelhaar, Aleph Kohane Godol; and Jack Bloom, Aleph Sopher. A line party will held Saturday, Jan. 28.
20 Years Ago
(From the Jan. 28, 2005, issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
At 6:30 p.m., Friday, Feb. 11, members from almost every Jewish youth group in greater Kansas City will come together for a night of food, religion and fun in a groundbreaking community event: the all-youth Shabbat dinner at Kehilath Israel Synagogue. The event is being sponsored by BBYO; Congregation Beth Israel Abraham and Voliner; Congregation Beth Shalom; Congregation Beth Torah; Community High School of Jewish Studies; Hyman Brand Hebrew Academy; Kehilath Isael Synagogue; Learning for Life: An Informal Educational Initiative; the National Conference of Synagogue Youth; New Reform Temple; Congregation Ohev Sholom; The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah; United Synagogue Youth; and Young Judea.