100 Years Ago

(From the Oct. 10, 1924 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

The first meeting of the basketball players was held Monday. The group showed the proper spirit and the basketball outlook is optimistic. The whole meeting was taken up with a discussion of possible plans for the coming basketball season. It was decided to have a league of eight teams to be picked up from members in the gym classes. The players will be divided up as evenly as possible and one man will be elected captain to lead each team. At the next meeting of basketball players Monday, November 3rd, the plans will be furthered and a league organization completed. The league will probably start after Thanksgiving. A formal call has been sounded for all basketball players who wish to try out for the “big” team to represent the “Y.” Practices will be held Tuesday and Thursday at 9 p.m. Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday afternoon at 3:30…. A handball tournament will start Thanksgiving.


50 Years Ago

(From the Oct. 11, 1974 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

BBYO members helped decorate the Jewish Community Center Sukka recently… Two’s AZA currently has a record of 0-1 and is tied for last place in the Teen League flag football season with Nordanian AZA, USY and Dag Hammarskjold. SYO, Independent, HST AZA and Hatikvah AZA are all 1-0.


25 Years Ago

(From the Oct. 8, 1999 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle

The next 75th BBYO reunion committee meeting will be Wednesday, Oct. 20 at the Jewish Community Center at 7:30 p.m. … Ohev Sholom’s annual family picnic will be held Sunday, Oct. 17, from noon to 4 p.m. at Quivira Park. The committee members include (former Two’s advisors) Joel Levine and Nate Klarfield.