100 Years Ago

(From the Oct. 3, 1924 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

A meeting of all basketball players and enthusiasts will be held Monday, October 6th, at 8:30 p.m. at the “Y.” The organization and plans for the coming basketball season will be discussed. All groups who intend to organize a basketball team are asked to be represented.


75 Years Ago

(From the Sept. 30, 1949 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

A.Z.A. No. 2 announces that final arrangements have been made for the annual “Sweetheart Dance,” Yom Kippur night, Monday, October 3, from 9 p.m. to 12 a.m. at the Pla-Mor Ballroom. Music will be provided by Les Copley and his orchestra. The Masters of Ceremonies for the evening will be Sam Weiner and Seymour Weiner. The candidates were chosen on the merits of popularity, personality, and beauty. The winner will be chosen by popular vote at the dance. Each ticket is good for two votes. The contestants for the title are: Barbara Stutman, Rosemarry Bahr, Maurine Zigler, Carole Masonoff, and Syliva Rubin. Tickers are $1.50 in advance and may be purchased from any member of A.Z.A. No. 2 at the Center, or at any of the Cake Box stores. Admission at the door will be $1.75.


50 Years Ago

(From the Oct. 4, 1974 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

Norman Bassin, chairman of the Jewish Community Center’s Health Club board of governors, has announced an exciting afternoon and evening’s entertainment for members and guests at the Health Club Stag Day, Thursday, Oct. 10. Steve Busby, Royals’ 22-game winner and no-hit pitcher, will receive the Sports Personality of the Year Award, and Lester Milgram, chairman of the board of Milgram Food Stores and community leader, will be presented the “Distinguished Citizen Award” for his civic contributions. Tickets at $7 each include a social hour, buffet dinner and Health Club privileges, including a free massage that can be used any time from the day of the stag to February, 1975. Guests are also invited to participate.

(Norman Bassin is a former member of Two’s AZA)


25 Years Ago

(From the Oct. 1, 1999 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle

Start looking for sweatshirts, song books, scrapbooks, photos and other items as BBYO wants to display them in a special area to be set up at Bartle Hall at the 75th BBYO reunion June 24, 2000. One of the first things to surface in the planning of the 75th reunion of BBYO is the original charter for Saadia BBG Chapter No. 40 issued May 16, 1945. One of the founding members had the document but has since donated it to the BBYO office in Kansas City. The charter along with all of the other memorabilia that organizers have will be on display at next year’s reunion. At the Jewish Arts Festival Sunday, Oct. 10, will be multiple sign-up stations where individuals can add their names to the database of present and past BBYO members. Currently, BBYO has close to 400 names and more are being added daily. The next BBYO reunion meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 20, at the JCC.