100 Years Ago
(From the Feb. 27, 1925 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
A special meeting of the AZA was held Sunday, February 22, to make final preparations for the installation of officers that night, and also to introduce Mr. Sam Beber, president of the Grand Advisory Council of AZA, to members. The Kansas City Chapter plans are nearing completion for the debate and basketball tournament to be held March 21 and 22 at Omaha, Neb. Phil Klutznick and William Horowitz comprise the debate team to debate at Omaha. Mr. Sam Beber favored us with a very interesting talk, outlining the plans for the future. The next meeting will be held Sunday, March 1, at the “Y.” All members are urged to attend as matters of vital importance are to be transacted.
90 Years Ago
(From the March 1, 1935 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
AZA, K.C. Mo. Chapter celebrated its winning of the 4-Club Basketball Tourney with a party Sunday at Southern Mansion. Only one game was lost this season. The teams also captured the M.V.A.A. Tourney and defeated St. Joe AZA twice…. Frank Schlozman, son Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Schlozman, was last week elected President of the Manual Training High School Senior Class. A leader in school affairs and active Aleph Zadik Aleph member, Mr. Schlozman has distinguished himself, especially in the field of oratory, having won his school’s annual oratorical contest during the past three successive years. He has served as the head of the Manual Forensics and Dramatic League and the Hamilton Literary Society, and in 1933 was President of the Sophomore Class. He also holds an “M” in athletics. Mr. Schlozman is the second Jew to be named Senior Class head, the first having been Ben Shylen some years ago. Manual High, which formerly had a preponderance of Jewish students, now only has a minority from this group, which adds to the significance of the honor given to him.
75 Years Ago
(From the Feb, 24, 1950 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
Al Zeff was nominated for the Sam Beber Award at the Feb. 19 meeting. The award is one of the highest offered in AZA. It is given to the boy who has done outstanding work and has clearly carried out AZA ideals. … A $50 check was donated to the March of Dimes. Plans were made to raise funds for United Jewish Appeal. … The basketball team beat the Pals 32-21 in a league game Feb. 25.
40 Years Ago
(From the March 1, 1985 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)
Michael J. Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Saul Ellis, will be the scholarship award recipient at the B’nai B’rith Heart of America Lodge #1549 awards night dinner at 6:30 p.m. Monday, March 18, in Asner Hall of Congregation Ohev Sholom. Michael was last year’s BBYO Mo-Kan regional president and is a past president of AZA Chapter #2. He has served as chairman of the 60th anniversary Yom Kippur Dance and has been the liaison to B’nai B’rith District Two. He is a senior at Shawnee Mission East High School and a member of the student congress. The award is given on the basis of scholastic standing, BBYO activities, extracurricular activities and community service.