100 Years Ago

(From the Feb. 7, 1925 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

The last meeting was held February 1 at the “Y.” Sid Magazine edited the first edition of the fraternity’s newspaper, “The Lazy A.” February 22, at 8:00 p.m., an installation of officers will be held in the lodge room of the “Y.” All B’nai B’rith members and young men from the ages of 16 to 21 are cordially invited. Mr. Sam Beber, president of the Omaha lodge of the B’nai B’rith, will address the meeting. Rabbi Herman M. Cohen will give the invocation. Mr. Nathan Mnookin, the founder of the A.Z.A., will also address the body…. Melville Levy was voted into the chapter… The Kansas City Chamber of Commerce has given their support to make the A.Z.A. convention, which will be held here July 3, 4, and 5, a success. The next meeting will be held Sunday, February 15, at 3:30 p.m.

90 Years Ago

(From the Feb. 8, 1935 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

The Best Chapter Award of the International order, A.Z.A., is “in the bag” for K.C., Mo., Chapter No. 2, it appears more than ever now as a result of the M.V.A.A. District Tournament, held in St. Joseph Feb 1-3. Jack Sokolov, chapter entrant in Oratory, won first place over a brilliant field. The chapter’s basketball team defeated all opponents to reign supreme. In the other tournament contest, debate, the chapter’s entrants, Leon Sedler and Leonard Belove, reached the semi-finals. The basketball team, Harold Braude, Is Braude, Robert Chickinsky, David Minkin, Leonard Belove, Les Peltzman, Sherman Schwartz and Norman Bassin, won additional laurels by placing five men on the first and second All Star tournament teams. On the First All-Star Team: Harold and Is Braude, Chickinsky. Minkin and Belove placed on the second All-Star team…. Because of his victory in oratory, Jack Sokolov will compete in March at Waukegan, Illinois in a preliminary  contest to the finals to be held during the national tournament this summer. Jack’s oration is “Jewish Progress.” Through subject matter, delivery, and platform poise, Jack was  a convincing winner in the district and a serious threat in the next trials ….The other chapters of M.V.A.A. pledged their support in helping Chapter No. 2 win the “Best Chapter Award.” The chapter is now perfecting an elaborate social service and cultural program. The first event will be the appearance of Rabbi Samuel S. Mayerberg at its regular meeting this Sunday.

20 Years Ago

(From the Feb. 4, 2005 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

Kansas City BBYO hosted the Mid-America Winter Regional Convention (WRC) the last week of December 2004. The WRC Steering Committee, led by Michelle Goldman and Justin Cosner (Two’s AZA), worked for six months preparing and planning for the event… A total of 183 BBYOers from Omaha, St. Louis and Kansas City attended the event… The WRC schedule included a diversity of programming. Attendees participated in a number of community service activities.  BBYOers decorated cookies for local firefighters to thank them for their service to the community. Get-well cards were put together for children in the hospital and coloring books and no-sew blankers were created for donation to a homeless shelter… KC AZA Council Godol Matt Rissien (Two’s AZA) presented the “State of the KC AZA Council,” and the “State of the KC BBG Council” was given by BBG Council N’siah Jill Shesol…. Final night included the presentation of Regional awards. Kansas City chapters received their share of the spotlight. AZA Awards for “Highest Membership Increase” and “Sprit” were won by Kansa City AZA #2.