100 Years Ago

(From the Jan. 16, 1932 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

The A.Z.A. basketball team defeated the fast going Y.M.H.A. champions of St. Joseph, Mo., the D.V.V., January 1, at the Community Hall in St. Joseph, Mo, 15 to 13.

It was the fourth consecutive win for the A.Z.A.’s and the first defeat of the “Y” champions. The close guarding of Julius Peltzman, Harry Kaufman and Morris Adelman held the highly touted “Red” Magoon and Lazer to three field goals, while the offensive tactics of Sid Magazine, Isadore Pesmen and Lewis Sutin enabled the A.Z.A. to win.

The fraternity desires to thank Misses L. Zurovsky, R. Gold, P. Nelson, C. Rosistsky and Messrs. D. Meshevsky, J. Gershon M. Schalbacher for the entertainment they offered the visiting boys.

The A.ZA. challenges any of the clubs of the “Y” to a basketball game.

A sister chapter was installed January 11 at Sioux City, Iowa by the mother chapter, Omaha, Neb. There are now 12 A.Z.A. chapters in the Middle West.

An election of officers will be held at the next meeting, January 18, at the “Y.”

90 Years Ago

(From the Jan. 18, 1935 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

Aleph Zadik Aleph, K.C. Mo. Chapter No. 2 will celebrate the arrival of the St. Joseph A.Z.A. chapter this Sunday with a dance at the Cocked Hat. The St. Joseph A.Z.A. basketball team, which is coming to this city to participate in a game with the K.C. Mo. Chapter as preliminary to the Omaha/K.C. Jewish Center game, will be guests of honor at the dance.

The Al-Vinn Orchestra, led by Alvin Goldberg, will play for the chapter and its guests. Entire proceeds from checking will go to the Jewish Joint Distribution Committee.

Last Sunday, at the Center, the new Aleph Godol Nate Stein announced committees for the next six months.  

The M.V.A.A. Tournament will be held in St. Joseph February 1,2 and 3. The chapter’s entries in oratory, debate and basketball have been officially entered. Many of the local chapter will be in St. Joseph supporting its representatives.

To cooperate with the Junior Hadassah, the chapter will attend “Immortal Epic” in a body. Prospective members present at the meeting: Sid Schultz, Marshall Eisen and Melvin Bayless.