100 Years Ago

(From the Jan. 2, 1925 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

Abraham E. Margolin, who has been visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Margolin during the holidays, will leave January 4th for Washington University, St. Louis, Mo., to resume his studies.

(Margolin was a charter member of Two’s AZA).

50 Years Ago

(From the Jan. 3, 1975 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

Local teenagers won a number of honors at the Missouri-Kansas Regional Convention of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization, held last week at the Plaza Inn International, near KCI Airport. Some 170 BBYO members from Greater Kansas City and B’nai B’rith, were among the 300 participants in the 4-day meeting.

A number of area youth leaders were elected to regional offices. The new president (Aleph Godol) of the Mo-Kan Region AZA is Bill Rosenthal, a member of BBYO from St. Joseph, Mo. Ed Bigus was elected to the position of vice president; he is a member of AZA Chapter 2. Elected as the first vice president of the Mo-Kan Region of B’nai B’rith Girls was Lorie Bohm, a member of Gan Dafna BBG.

Ed Bigus won first place in the AZA oratory contest, and will represent the Mo-Kan region this summer in District Two competition. (Bigus was also awarded the Bronze Shield of David.)

Highlights of the convention were workshops on the theme, “We’re All In This Together,” which were keynoted by Jesse Newman, and a horse racing night which helped raise almost $1,400 for the International BBYO Service Fund.