100 Years Ago

(From the Sept. 5, 1924 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

A regular meeting of the Aleph Zadik Aleph Order for Young Men was held Sunday at the home of Max Wolfe. A report of the recent dance given by the Order showed that quite a sum had been realized. These funds will be used to help defray the expenses of the annual convention which Is to be held in Kansas City. This report, together with the membership drive in charge of Philip Copland, Julius Peltzman and Lewis Sutin, presents an exceedingly bright outlook for the 1925 convention of the Order.

The local Chapter has started a chapter In St. Joseph. Twenty-one petitions have already been received in St. Joseph and many others are on the waiting list. The degree team of the local chapter, which will be chosen Sunday, September 7th, will administer the ritual to these twenty-one St. Joseph boys.

Monday night the ritual was given to the following members of the local Chapter: Henry Brown, Morris Polsky, Philip Copland, Julius Peltzman and Joe Sagalof.

The order is one year old and is celebrating its first anniversary. A farewell party was held Monday to commemorate the first birthday of the A.Z.A. and in honor of the members who are leaving for college.


75 Years Ago

(From the Sept. 2, 1949 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

A.Z.A. No. 2 announces that its fifteenth annual “Sweetheart Dance” will be held Yom Kippur night Monday, October 3, at the Pla-Mor Ballroom, with music by Les Copley and his orchestra. This year’s contestants for Sweetheart are: Rosemary Bahr, Carole Masonoff, Sylvia Rubin, Barbara Stutman, and Maureen Ziegler. Tickets are $1.50 in advance and may be obtained from any member of A.Z.A. No. 2 or at the Jewish Community Center.


25 Years Ago

(From the Sept. 3, 1999 issue of The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle)

Members of Aleph Zadik Aleph have elected Andrew Michael Loewenstein to serve as Grand Aleph Godol (president) for the 1999-2000 year. … Loewenstein, a Milwaukee native, recently completed a term as Grand Aleph S’gan (vice president) of AZA. Before that he serves as Grand Aleph Moreh (vice president-membership) and Regional Aleph Godol (president of the Wisconsin region.

“I love AZA. I love BBYO,” Loewenstein said. “I think that if I would have left after my term as S’han was over, I would have felt incomplete, and I would have felt as though there were things and focuses that I had not been able to see to the end.”

In his role as S’gan, Loewenstein coordinated the 1999 International AZAA basketball tournament. He also coordinated the 75th AZA International Convention, held Aug. 16-22 at B’nai B’rith Perlman Camp in Starlight. Pa., where was elected.